Welcome to our site....

Are you looking for someone to excite you?
Someone that can take photos for that special day? Someone that can help you to build on your portfolio for your career? Or maybe someone that can assist with your advertising campaign.
Maybe you are just looking for someone to take photos that you can put on your memory wall.

I have always had a massive urge to take photos. I just like knowing that, that photo is my own view on the world out there. The most amazing part about them is that it causes different views and emotions with people, without me even having to say a word.

So... allow me to capture these special moments in time for you.  


This photo of Emerelda and me was taken by a very good friend of ours,

Pieter du Toit. 

Some photos in my Flickr gallery

Please note that all photos are copy right protected. Photos in gallery belongs to Martin Kieser Photography unless stipulated different. These photos may not be copied or used for any other publications or marketing purposes.

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